Telephony integration is an important part of any home automation set up and Caller ID usually forms an important part of it. Unfortunately BT uses some BT specific method of providing caller ID data and modem support can be a little intermittent, to say the least. Many modems promise Caller ID support, and most of them have a little * to exclude UK support.
March 2007 Archives
Now that I've switched to the Mac I can no longer read the Cortex help file on my main computer's big screen whilst remotely controlling Cortex via RDC.
It is an inevitable part of a gadget freak's life that surplus gadgets will accumulate. Eventually space will run out and a massive clearance will be required. eBay is the inevitable target, but it's web interface is painful for large numbers of dissimilar items.
Now I've managed to import my mp3 library into iTunes I obviously want the album art sorted out properly so that CoverFlow can work in all it's glory. iTunes can fetch art, but if it's not in the iTunes Store you need to do something else. The other problem is that iTunes buries it in a secret format so that you can't use it for anything else.
So I needed to find a Mac program to import album art.
A few times I've tried to import a rather large mp3 library from my NAS into iTunes. And a few times it's got stuck. On a hunch I thought may be all the m3u files mixed in with the mp3's might be causing the problem. A quick bit of work with a smart folder and bingo, clean import.
But it took me a while to let go the Windows-isms and use "m3u" in the Spotlight bar, rather than "*.m3u", which probably means something else in Mac-speak.
Of course I'm turning into a Mac bigot ...